
Milwaukee Art Museum Workers Overwhelmingly Vote to Join Machinists Union

A group of 141 employees of the Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) voted by 72 percent to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW). The vote was held over a three-week period via mail with the ballots tallied today. The new Machinists Union members work in every capacity at the Milwaukee Art Museum including…
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Creating Career Paths for Young Workers

A full residency Job Corps program not only helps young people from disadvantaged background complete their high school education, it trains them for their choice of 73 different career paths.Enter TCU/IAM Transportation Advanced Training, where young adults develop the skills needed to get a job in the transportation field. Nine training centers participate in the…
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CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratio Widens: Now 361-to-1

Once again there’s more for them and less for us. The imbalance between the pay of CEOs and working people continues to increase. In 2017, CEO pay at S&P 500 Index companies increased to an average of nearly $14 million while production and nonsupervisory workers received on average just $38,613. The AFL-CIO recently released its…
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Live Life Outside of Work

Forget what you have heard in those Dos Equis beer commercials, IAM Maine Lobstering Union (IMLU) member Joel Woods just may be the world’s most interesting man. He’s a lobsterman, a fisherman, an adventurer, world traveler, a self-proclaimed BS artist and—as far as we’re concerned—a photographer too. He’s been making a living at sea for…
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Creating Career Paths For Young Workers

Vestibulum eu ante odio, in laoreet odio. Sed facilisis erat eget nunc porta ac dictum erat pharetra. Cras cursus rhoncus ante quis gravida. Sed pellentesque libero nec purus mattis semper.

In contrast

Maecenas luctus aliquet risus ac feugiat. Curabitur enim mi, placerat sit amet porttitor ac, mollis lobortis elit. Cras sit amet erat eget dolor varius tristique. Duis eu nisl tortor. Mauris pulvinar metus eget nulla adipiscing consectetur.

Starry Night

Nam quam arcu, imperdiet eget vehicula in, luctus id eros.  Duis bibendum egestas pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Another portrait

Pellentesque consectetur laoreet ipsum, eu ullamcorper sem fermentum vitae. Nullam varius tortor vitae tortor malesuada ac tristique odio sagittis.

Travel light

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse odio dui, accumsan ornare fringilla eget, tempor sed justo.

The Collection

Morbi sed nunc in odio dapibus laoreet. Fusce varius eros bibendum velit cursus semper. Nulla blandit sodales felis vel tincidunt. Nulla adipiscing lobortis purus a fermentum.